平成30年度 夏季休業期間中の開館時間と図書の長期貸出期間について / Information of the opening hours and extended loan period during the summer

夏季利用案内(平成30年度)_ポスター(PDF: 65.0KB)

平成30(2018)年度 夏季休業期間中(8月8日~9月30日)は、上記の通り各館の開館時間が変更になります(社会科学系図書館・経済経営研究所図書館・医学分館は変更なし)。


During the summer vacation (from Aug. 8 to Sep. 30), the opening hours in some libraries will be different from usual as above (Except for Library for Social Sciences, Library for Medical Sciences and Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration).
Also all libraries will be closed from Aug. 13.(Mon) to Aug. 15(Wed).

Oct. 10 is the due date for all books which have been lent during the vacation, except for the books held in Library for Medical Sciences and Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration.