Doctoral Theses

For Doctoral Degree Recipients Granted after April 2013

Due to the Degree Regulations update, it is required to publish doctoral theses granted after April 2013 on the internet. Doctoral theses granted by Kobe University are made available on the internet through Kernel, Kobe University Repository.

Instructional materials

Instructions for Open Access: Obligation of disseminating your doctoral thesis on the Internet (2019.9) (PDF 619KB)

Version to be Posted

  • Please ask each department about the procedure of submitting a doctoral thesis, including the case when you would like to postpone of (or refrain from) publishing the thesis due to the reasons like planning publication in academic journals or acquisition of patent.
  • It is not permitted to publish the versions of thesis manuscripts which are not granted as doctoral theses in Kernel.
  • If the published version of an academic paper is granted and the publisher doesn’t permit to make it available in a repository, please take a designated procedure and submit an abstract instead of theses themselves.


  • Please do not use machine dependent format.
  • Please do not refer any other sources as non-standard fonts.
  • Please refrain from using secret codes, passwords, and copy protection.

※PDF file type “PDF/A (ISO-19005)” is recommended by National Diet Library.

For Doctoral Degree Recipients Granted before March 2013

Kobe University Repository is preserving and disseminating our faculties’ research outputs, and we focus on doctoral theses as important contents of these outputs.
Please send the form below to us if you permit to deposit your doctoral thesis in our repository.

【Form for Doctoral theses】

[PDF 449KB]
[Word 34.8KB][example(PDF)573KB]

  • Grant IDs can be searched on Kernel.
  • If the thesis (will) include(s) an academic paper, it depends on each journal’s policy whether it is permitted to deposit the manuscript in a repository.
  • Please be aware if the thesis include information related to patents.
  • Please feel free to contact us.

If you have any questions, please see also “FAQ for Kobe University Repository Kernel“.

Kobe University Library Digital Library Section
Library for Social Sciences
Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501
Tel 078-803-7333 Fax 078-803-7336
Contact Form