About Donation of Library Material

Thank you for your interest in donating material to Kobe University Library.
We really appreciate many offers to donate books, but limited books can be accepted because of the lack of space or other reasons.
If you would like to donate books, please confirm the following information in advance and submit “Book Donation Application Form [JPN]“[PDF:70KB] with your donation.


i) We reserve the right to refuse donations.
ii) Books are not returned even if they are not accepted. They may be recycled or transferred.
iii) Call the library in advance if you wish to bring in a large number of books (10 and more). Please inform the titles of them by e-mail.
iv) Receipts, thank you letters, etc. will not be issued.
v) Materials that have been assigned to our collection will be preserved in accordance with the library’s distribution rules. Even if we receive a large donation of materials, we do not group them together as a “bunko” for classification and distribution.

Criteria for Material Donation

In most cases, the Library cannot accept the following types of documents:
i) Material of no academic value (popular books, too old books, old edition books, etc.)
ii) Material written for advertisement, solicitation or promotion
iii) Material already held in Kobe University Library. (Please check OPAC.)
iv) Damaged material
In addition, donation might be refused for other reasons.


The shipping charge must be paid in advance if you send books by post.

Books for Kobe Univ. Bokin

If you would like to dispose second-hand books and don’t hope to donate them, we recommend “Books for Kobe Univ. Bokin [JPN]“.
Second-hand books, CDs, DVDs are resold and proceeds are used in Kobe University for supporting students.
Please note that there are restrictions on the books that can be resold, so please check in advance on the “Books for KOBE Univ. [JPN]” page.
It depends on the library to treat the books posted in the used book donation box. in some case, it may be stored in the library.
* Books that are not resolded will be transferred to the user for free or discarded .

Contact Us

There are 9 Libraries in Kobe University.
Please check this page, “Libraries in Kobe University” to check the contact information of the library you hope to donate material.
We finally decide which branch the books will be owned by.