Faculty and Staff in Kobe University are welcome to use Kobe University Library.
Please check shown below items and “User Guides“.

  1. Using the library
  2. Using e-journals, e-books and databases
  3. Purchasing books and journals with research fund
  4. Materials located in individual research labs
  5. Making your research outputs open to the public on the web
  6. APC Discounts / Survey
  7. Evaluation Indicators for Journals[JPN]
  8. Information on Remote Classes[JPN]
  9. Guidance and content for students[JPN]

Using the library

In order to receive library service, your library card is required. Please check “Library Card“.

Using e-journals, e-books and databases

About using e-journals, e-books and databases, please check “Collections“.
You can also get information about how to use these tools off-campus.

Purchasing books and journals with research fund

Purchasing books

To purchase books with research funds, submit a “Book purchase request” through the accounting service system[JPN].
For purchases made by corporate credit card or advance payment, submit an “Expense reimbursement” request through the accounting service system.
Please refer to the “Book purchase guide” for additional instructions and detailed information.

Subscribing to periodicals

Subscriptions to overseas journals require a new order to be placed during the subscription survey (usually around the end of June each year).
Please check with the library that supports your department about subscribing to journals with research funds.

Materials located in individual research labs

You can access information about materials located in your lab through the library account services. A list of materials is displayed* under the “Lab books” tab in the “Check of Status of Lending/Reservation” section, and can also be download as a text file.
*Only materials registered in the collection finder will be displayed, and items such as supplies or materials not yet registered in the collection finder will not be displayed.
If you cannot find the material you are looking for in the “Lab books” tab or the “Check of Status of Lending/Reservation” tab, please contact the library that supports your department.

Making your research outputs open to the public on the web

You can make your research outputs like journal articles open to the public through Kobe University Repository “Kernel”.
By using Kernel, your research output will be delivered to all over the world through various channels including KUID (Directory of Researchers in Kobe University), CiNii, Worldcat and search engines like Google.
You can get more information about registering outputs to Kernel on the following page.
Kobe University Repository Kernel

In addition, please check “Kobe University Open Access Policy[JPN]“.

Evaluation Indicators for Journals

Please check Evaluation Indicators for Journals[JPN].

Information on Remote Classes

Please check Information on Remote Classes[JPN].

Guidance and content for students

Please check Guidance and content for students[JPN].