To prevent loss of the sound recordings due to scatter and deterioration of 78 rpm records which are historical and cultural resources as recordings made in the early years, the Historical Records Archive Promotion Conference (HiRAC) was established in 2007. HiRAC had digitized approximately 50,000 recordings of music and speeches etc. from 78 rpms and metal discs produced from around 1900 to 1950 in Japan.
If you would like to use this collection, please read the following details.

Overview of this service

Participating Libraries

General Library / Library for Intercultural Studies, Library for Social Sciences, Library for Humanities, Library for Human Development Sciences

Service Hours

9:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m. on weekdays

Eligible persons

Including Visitors, anyone can use this service.
― Visitors except students of EUIJ Kansai or Open University of Japan can use this service only in General Library / Library for Intercultural Studies.

Available materials

You can use all materials in Historical Recording Collection (REKION).

How to use

  • Please apply staff at the information desk in participating libraries.
  • You can use this PC until 1 hour later. (If there isn’t any person who would like to use this service after you, you can continue to browse.)
  • It is banned by National Diet Library to record, copy or download the data, and to connect external storage device like USB flash memory to the PC.


If you have any questions about this service, please ask via contact form below to each participating library.

Contact Us