Materials displayed as “General & Intercult Lib : Stacks 6F” “General & Intercult Lib : Stacks 6F : Himeji Collection” “General & Intercult Lib : Stacks 6F : Momose Collection” on OPAC are Chinese classics.
For members of Kobe University: You can borrow the materials if you wish.

Reception Hours (Borrowing)

8:45a.m.-16:45p.m. on weekdays
* You can use the materials after hours in the library.

Loan Period

Undergraduates 2 weeks
Graduate Students 1 month
Faculty and Staff 1 month


When you have found the materials that you want to borrow, you can take them to the information desk.


When you want to renew the materials, please bring it to the information desk or contact us via Contact Form.

Campus Delivery Service

The materials can be delivered to every campus library you selected.
Please fill out the form below.

    Please fill in the following boxes with the information on the OPAC.