Issuance of Library Card

Faculty and staff members belonging to the School of Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University Hospital, and Attached Institute can apply for Library Card. When you hold both graduate student and staff status, you can use your student ID as your library card and do not need to follow the procedure.

Application Process

  • Since April 2021, we have been accepting web applications for library cards via form or e-mail. To receive your library card, please visit the information desk during opening hours. At that time, you need to fill in the necessary details on the application form. By applying in advance, you can receive your library card smoothly.
  • The personal information provided during the application process will be used only for library services and will not be used for any other purpose.
  • We also accept in-person applications. Please visit the information desk during opening hours and fill in the application form. Please note that in this case, you may not receive your library card immediately.

Especially in April, the information desk tends to be crowded, so please apply via form or e-mail as much as possible.

■Application via Form■
  • Please submit the necessary information via the below form.
  • Once your library card is ready, we will notify you.
  • When you apply by 3:00 p.m. on a weekday, you can receive your ID card on the next open day in principle. However, during the busy season (first half of April), it may take about one week.

Library Card Web Application Form

    FacultyMedical staffResidentNurseOther

    example:Ophthalmology, Laboratory Medicine, ICEC, 9th floor south, etc.

    ■Application via Email■

    Email address: igakushinsei[at]
    @ is written as [at] to prevent spam. Please change it back to “@” when you send the e-mail.
    Subject: “Library Registration Application”

    Please provide the following information in the body of your email:

    1. Full name
    2. Furigana (phonetic reading)
    3. Affiliation
    4. Department
    5. E-mail address
    6. Any additional notes (optional)