1. Medical Databases
  2. Medical E-Book List
  3. Collections (MedicalSci)
  4. Medical and life science Databases

Medical Databases

※You can access E-Resources marked [VPN] / [GakuNin] by using the following procedure.
 ⇒How to use GakuNin [JPN](PDF:480KB)

Database Description User Guide
PubMed [For Kobe Univ.] PubMed is the world’s largest database of medical and pharmaceutical articles. It is provided free of charge by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).
When you connect to “PubMed [For Kobe Univ.]” from within the university network, a “Find it! Kobe Univ” button will be displayed for convenient access to the articles. From off-campus, you can use the same environment as the connection from the internal network by using VPN.
FAQs & User Guide
Ichushi Web[JPN]
Ichushi Web is a database of articles published in Japanese medical journals. Up to 10 people can access the database at the same time. Be sure to click “終了” in the upper right corner of the screen after use.
UpToDate UpToDate is an information tool considered to be a reliable source of information on clinical medicine.
※On campus network (Kusunoki Campus only), You can access UpToDate.
※To access UpToDate Off campus network, You need to create an account.
User Guide for a registration[JPN](PDF: 2.26MB)

User Guides[JPN]
MEDLINE/EBMR(Ovid) is a tool for EBM(Evidence-Based Medicine). EBMR combines several of EBM resources including Cochrane Library and contents of ACP Journal Club into a single database.
Medical*Online provides abstracts and full-text articles published in some Japanese medical publications.

Web of Science Core Collection
Web of Science is a scientific citation indexing service that provides a comprehensive citation search in all academic disciplines.
Procedures CONSULT [JPN]
Procedures Consult is an online procedure reference tool that offers videos on how to prepare for, perform and follow up on the most common procedures required in today’s hospital setting. User Guides[JPN]
CINAHL is a bibliographic database. It covers all nursing journals and publications published by The National League for Nursing and American Nurses’ Association. User Guides[JPN]
EBSCOhost is a platform where you can cross-search a range of databases including MEDLINE and CINAHL. User Guides[JPN]

Medical E-Book List

[Japanese E-Book]

[English E-Book]

Collections (MedicalSci)

Japanese Rare Books

Collection Name Location Contact Information
Shoda / Yokoi / Watsuji Collection Library for Medical Sciences Information Service Section for Medical Sciences
Isaji Collection Library for Social Sciences Information Service Section for Social Sciences

We are now digitizing our Rare Books. Please see the page “Rare Books”.

You must get permission in advance to browse the original manuscript archives of Rare Books. Please inquire about applications to Library for Medical Sciences.

There is the Isaji colleciton in the Library for Social Sciences.
Please inquire about applications to the Information Service Section for Social Sciences.

Individual Donations

  • Fukase Collection
  • Izumi Collection
  • Sakurai Collection

Medical and life science Databases

Database List (Medicine and Life Sciences)