You can search for books and periodicals, by using OPAC or specialized databases.
If the books you want are not held in the Kobe University Library, please use other institutions holdings.

Kobe University Library Holdings

With the following tools, you can search for Kobe University Library holdings and other available resources in Kobe University.

Name・Link Description Note
OPAC: Kobe University Library Catalog With OPAC, you can search for Kobe University Library holdings.
Discovery Service By using Discovery Service, you can search for not only materials can be searched by OPAC but also digital archives, journal articles’ information and other wide range of resources.
Kobe University Library E-Resources List You can search for only available e-resources (e-books and e-journals) in the Kobe University. These e-resources can also be searched by OPAC
About Kobe University Digital Archive (Kobe University Library) With this page, you can search for electronic resources such as repositories, newspaper clippings and other special collections that belong to Kobe University.

Holdings of Japanese Libraries

You need to use specialized databases or each website in order to search for materials held in a library in Japan and where there are.
You may be able to get materials that are not held in the Kobe University Library by using the following services.
Other Institutions Holdings
Student Purchase Request

Name・Link Description Note
CiNii Books “CiNii Books” is a service that provides information on resources that are held in university libraries in Japan.
兵庫県内図書館横断検索 You can search for the holdings of all public libraries in Hyogo prefecture at once. Other prefectures also have each cross-searching service.
NDL Search With “NDL Search”, you can search for not only National Diet Library holdings but also other institutions’ holdings (e.g., public libraries, museums and academic institutions).
カーリル “カーリル” provides information on the resources that are held in public / university libraries in Japan. By registering libraries in advance, you can search for only registered libraries’ holdings.

Holdings of world Libraries

When you search for each country’s resources, you should search OPAC of each country’s national library and university library.

Name・Link Description Note
Discovery Service By using “Discovery Service”, you can search for various kinds of resources such as books, journal articles, and dissertations.
WorldCat “World Cat” is the largest bibliographic database in the world. You can search for various kinds of resources that held in world libraries by using this database.
The European Library A collection search portal site in which national libraries of European countries participate.
You can search for materials held by each participating library.
KVK : Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog “KVK” is a book retrieval system managed by the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. With this system, you can search national libraries and university libraries in European countries in a cross-sectional way.
Catalog (Library of Congress) The library catalog of the Library of Congress (the national library of the United States).
The British Library The website of the British Library, the national library of the United Kingdom. There is a link to the Catalogue where you can search the collection.
Library Hub Discover You can search for the British library holdings and holdings of British universities’ libraries.
Note: The service is currently unavailable. (March 7, 2025)」
Catalogue SUDOC You can search for holdings of French universities’ libraries.
文津搜索(中国国家図書館) The library catalog of National Library of China.

Electronic Resources

Because public domain books may be published on the web, please check the following websites if the books you want are not held in Kobe University Library.

Name・Link Description Note
About Kobe University Digital Archive (Kobe University Library) With this page, you can search for electronic resources published by the Kobe University Library.
青空文庫 “Aozora Bunko” has published full-text of public domain works.
Project Gutenberg A Free E-books library. This website publishes public domain works.
HathiTrust “HathiTrust” is a repository managed by partnership of academic and research institutions’ libraries.
Europeana “Europeana Collections” is a digital platform that you can search for information and image of digital resources that are held in libraries, archives and museums in Europe.
National Diet Library Digital Collections “NDL Digital Collections” enables to search and view a wide variety of digital materials collected and stored by the NDL. Please also refer to the following link.
Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries
Google Books “Google Books” is a full-text retrieval service provided by Google. Works out of copyright are published their full-text.