Japanese Legal Literature

Name・Link Description Note
国立国会図書館 リサーチ・ナビ: 政治・法律・行政 世界各国の政治・法律・行政分野に関する情報、議会資料、法令資料、官庁資料、国際機関資料の概要やリンク等が掲載されています。
神戸大学附属図書館 データベース一覧: 社会科学分野 学内で利用可能なデータベースの一覧が確認できます。
神戸大学法学研究科資料室:データベース利用 学内から利用できるデータベースについて法学研究科資料室がまとめたページです。
京都大学 国際法政文献資料センター 日本や外国の法律・政治行政資料の調べ方・文書の入手方法などについての情報が詳しく紹介されています。

General Search

Name・Link Description Note
D1-Law.com(第一法規 法情報総合データベース) 「現行法規(履歴検索)」・「判例体系」・「法律判例文献情報」(1982年~)を検索することができます。

Journal Articles

Name・Link Description Note
法律時報文献月報検索 1929(昭和4)年以降の法律学・政治学等に関する図書や雑誌などに掲載された論文・書評等の情報を検索できます。裁判所及び大審院等の判例評釈の情報も収録しています。 On-campus access only

Laws and Regulations

Name・Link Description Note
e-Gov(電子政府の総合窓口) 日本政府の情報ポータルサイトです。法令情報の検索やパブリックコメント情報の案内、組織制度の概要情報案内等の情報提供サービスおよび電子申請受付サービスを提供しています。
官報 神戸大学には1893(明治26)年以降の官報が所蔵されています。 Printed Material
インターネット版官報 過去30日間に発行された官報をWeb上で閲覧できます。
官報情報検索サービス 1947(昭和22)年5月3日~当日までの官報を検索でき、本文の閲覧も可能です。利用には事前の申し込みが必要です。
衆議院法制局 衆議院法制局は、衆議院議員の立法活動を補佐するため、衆議院議長の下に置かれた機関です。 衆議院議員などからの依頼を受け、議員立法の立案や照会への対応を行っています。
参議院法制局 参議院法制局は、参議院議員の立法活動を補佐する国の機関であり、参議院議員の依頼に基づいて法律案及び修正案の立案、法律問題の調査などの業務を行っています。
国会会議録検索システム 1947年5月開会の第1回国会以降の本会議、全ての委員会等の会議録を検索し、本文の画像を閲覧できます。
帝国議会会議録検索システム 戦前分は目次・索引、発言者名などから検索でき、戦後分からは会議録の全文検索ができます。本文は画像で提供されています。
日本法令索引 現行の法令と1886(明治19)年2月公文式施行以降公布の法令の索引情報及び1947(昭和22)年第1回国会以降に提出された法律案、条約承認案件の索引情報が検索できます。一部は、審議経過と会議録へのリンクがあります。
日本法令索引(明治前期編) 1867(慶応3)年10月の大政奉還から1886(明治19)年2月の公文式施行に至るまでに制定された法令の索引情報が検索できます。
現行法規総覧 加除式で随時ページの入れ替えがされます。大部なため書誌は複数に分かれています。 Printed Material

Legal Precedent

Name・Link Description Note
裁判所 最高裁をはじめとする各裁判所の統合サイトです。「裁判例情報検索システム」で過去の判例が検索可能です。
LEX/DB インターネット 1875(明治8)年の大審院判例から今日までの国内の判例や、行政機関等の審決・裁決の全文を収録しているデータベースです。 On-campus access only

Foreign Legal Literature

Western Countries

Name・Link Description Note
Index to Legal Periodicals Books This is a legal literature information database made by the H.W.Wilson. You can search for information on legal journals (published from 1981) and legal books (published from 1993). Please refer to printed material when you want to search for data before 1981. On-campus access only
Printed materials are also held
Index to foreign legal periodicals. Cumulation This book contains catalog of articles about law except British and American law. Printed material

United States

Link and Database Collections
Name・Link Description Note
Legal Information Institute (LII): Legal Resources A Link and database collection made by the Cornell Law School
FindLaw for Legal Professionals A database about law, precedent and legal information managed by Thomson Reuters.
Websites of Main Organizations
Name・Link Description Note
United States Senate The official website of the US Senate.
United States House of Representatives The official website of the US House of Representatives.
Congress.gov The website of the Library of Congress for information of the Congress and legislation.
U.S. Government Publishing Office The official website of the US Government Publishing Office.
National Archives The official website of the US National Archives.
Name・Link Description Note
United States code congressional and administrative news An annual collection of laws and regulations. Printed material
United States statutes at large The collection of laws and regulations managed by the US government. This website also provides full-text.
United States Code The official collection of laws and regulations managed by US government.
United States code annotated The public company edition of the above resource. Each section has note. Printed material
The Federal Register The official government gazette. The federal Register is published on the web and you can browse them published from 1994.
Code of Federal Regulations (Annual Edition) A rulebook that has the rules published in the above gazette and order them by organization. The full-tests published from 1996 are exposed on the web.
Name・Link Description Note
United States Supreme Court reports : Lawyers’ edition The casebook of the US Supreme Court. Printed material
Federal Claims reporter The casebook of the US court of Federal Claims. Printed material
West’s bankruptcy reporter The casebook of the US Bankruptcy court. Printed material
State Law
Name・Link Description Note
Uniform Law Commission The official website of the the Uniform Law Commission.
West’s north western reporter A casebook of the northwestern stats. Kobe University Library has them published from 1981. The casebooks published before 1942 are held as microfiche. Printed material
Microfiche editions are also held
West’s southern reporter A casebook of the southern stats. Kobe University Library has them published from 1984 (some issues published in 2007 are lacked). The casebooks published before 1941 are held as microfiche. Printed material
Microfiche editions are also held
West’s south western reporter A casebook of the southwestern stats. Kobe University Library has them published from 1984. The casebooks published before 1928 are held as microfiche. Printed material
Microfiche editions are also held
West’s Atlantic reporter A casebook of the East Coast stats. Kobe University Library has them published from 1973. The casebooks published before 1938 are held as microfiche. Printed material
Microfiche editions are also held
West’s Pacific reporter A casebook of the West Coast stats. Kobe University Library has them published from 1969 (some issues published in 1985 are lacked). The casebooks published before 1931 are held as microfiche. Printed material
Microfiche editions are also held

United Kingdom

Name・Link Description Note
Legislation.gov.uk With this database, you can search for all UK laws that enacted from 1988, a part of laws enacted before 1988 and laws of each area.
BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute) You can search for laws of UK, Ireland and EU.
UK Parliament The official website of the Parliament of UK.
House of Lords The official website of the House of Loads
House of Commons The official website of the House of Commons
Halsbury’s statutes of England and Wales The current statute book of England and Wales. Printed material
The law reports. Appeal cases A casebook of the House of Loads / Privy Council / Court of Appeal. “The law report” has many other series that already ended publication. Printed material
The law reports. Queen’s Bench Division and on appeal therefrom in the Court of Appeal and decisions in the Court of Appeal Criminal Division and Employment Appeal Tribunal The casebook of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High court. Printed material
The All England law reports A casebook published by a private company. Printed material

European Union

Name・Link Description Note
European Parliament The official website of the European Parliament.
EUR-Lex The website that can search for and browse official documents such as the EU law.


Name・Link Description Note
Légifrance The general information website made by the French government.
Recherche d’un numéro du Journal officiel (JO) depuis 1990 You can search for the French government gazette published from 1990. Printed materials are held
Sénat The official website of the French Senate. Kobe University Library holds the minutes in printed materials.
Assemblée nationale The official website of the French National Assembly. Kobe University Library holds the minutes in printed materials.
CESE (conseil économique social et environnemental) The official website of the French Economics, Social and Environmental Council.
Recueil des décisions du Conseil d’État The casebook of the French Council of State. Printed material


Name・Link Description Note
Karlsruher juristische Bibliographie The bibliographic data of books published from 1965 are contained. Printed material
Bundesrat The official website of the German Federal Council.
Deutscher Bundestag The official website of the German Federal diet.
Das Bundesgesetzblatt (BGBl.) The website of the Bundesgesetzblatt (German Federal Register). The latest information can be checked on “Kostenloser Bürgerzugang” in the “BGBI. ONLINE”.
Gesetze im Internet The law search site managed by JURIS.
JIPS (Juristisches Internetprojekt Saarbrücken) The portal site for legal information created by the Saarland University. This has links to each court and search function for the Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Register).
Bundesverfassungsgericht The website of the Federal constitutional Court.
Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts The cases of the Federal Constitutional Court. Printed material
Bundesarbeitsgericht The online version of the cases of the Federal Labour Court. Printed materials are held
BGHZ The DVD edition of civil law casebook. DVD