National Diet
- National Diet (After WWII)
- Imperial Diet
Foreign Legislatures
- United States Congress
- Parliament of the United Kingdom
- French Parliament
- German Bundestag
National Diet
National Diet (After WWII)
Name・Link | Description | Note |
Japanese parliamentary documents (Research Navi / NDL) | Pathfinder created by the National Diet Library. | – |
国会会議録検索システム | The minutes of plenary sessions and committees from the 1st Diet session are available. | – |
The House of Councillors[JPN] | From “会議録情報”, you can browse the minutes of meetings held in the House of Councillors within past 30 days. | – |
官報. 号外, 参議院会議録[printed][microfilm] | The 5th-185th (1949-2013) Diet minutes are available, though there are missing issues. Microfilm editions of the 1st to 69th issues are also available. |
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The House of Representatives[JPN] | From “会議録”, you can browse the minutes of meetings held in the House of Representatives from the 151st Diet session (convened on January 31, 2001) . | – |
官報. 号外, 衆議院会議録[printed][microfilm] | The 5th-185th (1949-2013) Diet minutes are available, though there are missing issues. Microfilm editions of the 1st to 69th issues are available. | – |
衆議院委員会議録[printed] | The 15th-24th (1952-1956) Diet minutes are available. | – |
参議院委員会会議録[printed] | The 15th-24th (1952-1956) Diet minutes are available. | – |
衆議院会議録総索引[printed] | General Index of the 1st-38th (1947-1961) Diet minutes of plenary sessions and committees | – |
Imperial Diet
Name・Link | Description | Note |
日本-議会資料(帝国議会) (Research Navi / NDL) | Pathfinder created by the National Diet Library. | – |
帝国議会会議録検索システム | Digital images of stenographic minutes of the Imperial Diet’s plenary sessions and committee meetings (1st-92nd) (1890-1947) are available in this system. | – |
貴族院議事速記録 (NDL Digital Collections) | The 1st-28th (1890-1912) stenographic notes are available on the National Diet Library digital collections. | – |
貴族院議事速記録[printed][microfilm] | The 4th-72th stenographic notes are available, though there are missing issues. Microfilm editions of the 40th to 69th issues are also available. |
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衆議院議事速記録 (NDL Digital Collections) | The 1st-28th (1890-1912) stenographic notes are available on the National Diet Library digital collections. | – |
帝國議會貴族院祕密會議事速記録集[printed] | 3 vols. | – |
帝國議會衆議院委員會議録(1st-23th)[printed] | The 1st-23th (1890-1906) Diet minutes are available. | – |
帝國議會衆議院委員會議録(23th-28th)[printed] | The 23th-28th (1906-1911) Diet minutes are available. | – |
帝國議會衆議院委員會議録(29th-43th)[printed] | The 29th-43th (1912-1920) Diet minutes are available. | – |
帝國議會衆議院委員會議録(44th~51st)[printed] | The 44th-51st (1920-1926) Diet minutes are available. | – |
帝国議会衆議院委員会議事速記録[printed][microfilm] | The9th-33th stenographic notes are available, though there are missing issues. Microfilm editions of the 40th to 92th issues are also available, though there are missing issues. |
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帝国議会衆議院祕密会議事録集[printed] | 3 vols(13th-92th). | – |
Foreign Legislatures
United States Congress
Name・Link | Description | Note |
アメリカ合衆国-議会 (Research Navi / NDL) | Pathfinder created by the National Diet Library. | – |
United States Senate | The official website of the US Senate. | – |
United States House of Representatives | The official website of the US House of Representatives. | – |
U.S. Government Publishing Office | The official website of the US Government Publishing Office. | – |
National Archives | The official website of the National Archives. | – |
govinfo | A website provided by the US government Publishing Office. You can search for US laws and proceedings of the Federal Government. | – |
Congress.gov | The information website for the Congress and legislation provided by the Library of Congress. | – |
Congressional Record (govinfo) | This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1994. | – |
Congressional Record: Debates and Proceedings, 1873-1875 (Library of Congress) | This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1873 to 1875. Note: The link to “An archived version” on the Library of Congress page is unstable. If you cannot access them, please follow the links to Congress.gov to view the collection. (March 5, 2025) |
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Congressional Globe: Debates and Proceedings, 1833-1873 (Library of Congress) | This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1833 to 1873. Note: The link to “An archived version” on the Library of Congress page is unstable. If you cannot access it, please follow the links to Congress.gov to view the collection. (March 5, 2025) |
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Register of Debates: Debates and Proceedings, 1824-1837 (Library of Congress) | This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1824 to 1837. Note: The link to “An archived version” on the Library of Congress page is unstable. If you cannot access them, please follow the links to Congress.gov to view the collection. (March 5, 2025) |
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Annals of Congress: Debates and Proceedings, 1789-1824 (Library of Congress) | This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1789 to 1824. Note: The link to “An archived version” on the Library of Congress page is unstable. If you cannot access them, please follow the links to Congress.gov to view the collection. (March 5, 2025) |
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Congressional Record Index (govinfo) | This webpage provides index for proceedings of the US Congress from 1983. | – |
Congressional Bills (govinfo) | This webpage provides the congressional bills from the 103th Congress (1993). | – |
Congressional Hearings (govinfo) | This webpage provides the records of the congressional hearings from the 99th Congress (1985). | – |
U.S. Serial Set: Selected Documents and Reports (Library of Congress) | This webpage provides the records included reports of the congressional hearings from the 23rd Congress (1933) to the 64th Congress (1917). Note: The link to “Archived Site” on the Library of Congress page is unstable. You can also view it on govinfo. (March , 2025) |
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Congressional Committee Prints (govinfo) | This webpage provides the research papers from the 104th Congress (1975-1976). Some of the pre-103th (1994-1995) ones are also available. | – |
Congressional Reports (govinfo) | This webpage provides the research papers from the 104th Congress (1975-1976). Some of the pre-103th (1994-1995) ones are also available. | – |
American State Papers, 1789-1838 (Library of Congress) | This webpage provides the early congressional documents from 1789 to 1838. Note: The link to “Archived Site” on the Library of Congress page is unstable. If you cannot access it, please try again later. (March 5, 2025) |
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Parliament of the United Kingdom
Name・Link | Description | Note |
イギリス-議会(Research Navi / NDL) | Pathfinder created by the National Diet Library. | – |
UK Parliament | The official website of the Parliament of UK. | – |
House of Lords (UK Parliament) | The official website of the house of Lords. | – |
House of Commons (UK Parliament) | The official website of the House of Commons. | – |
Hansard (UK Parliament) | You can search for proceedings of the British Parliament from 19th century. | – |
Bills & legislation (UK Parliament) | You can search for the British bills. | – |
French Parliament
Name・Link | Description | Note |
フランス-議会 (Research Navi / NDL) | Pathfinder created by the National Diet Library. | – |
Légifrance | The general information website of French Government. | – |
Sénat | The official website of the French Senate. Kobe University Library has the proceedings as printed materials. | – |
Comptes rendus (Sénat) | You can search for proceedings of the French Senate from 1914. | – |
Projets et propositions de loi (Sénat) | You can search for bills of the French Senate. | – |
Tous les rapports et documents de travail (Sénat) | You can search for reports of the French Senate. | – |
Recherche de questions (Sénat) | You can search for questions of the French Senate. | – |
Assemblée nationale | The official website of the French National Assembly. Kobe University Library has the proceedings as printed materials. | – |
Comptes rendus (Assemblée nationale) | You can search for proceedings of the French National Assembly. | – |
Les commissions (Assemblée nationale) | You can search for proceedings of committees of the French National Assembly. | – |
Documents parlementaires (Assemblée nationale) | You can search for bills and reports of the French National Assembly. | – |
German Bundestag
Name・Link | Description | Note |
ドイツ連邦共和国-議会 (Research Navi / NDL) | Pathfinder created by the National Diet Library. | – |
Bundesrat | The official website of the Bundesrat of Germany | – |
Parlamentsdokumente | You can search for documents such as proceedings of the Bundesrat meetings. | – |
Deutscher Bundestag | The official website of the German Bundestag | – |
DIP : Dokumentations- und Informationssystem für Parlamentsmaterialien | You can search for documents such as proceedings of the German Bundestag meetings. | – |