National Diet

National Diet (After WWII)

Name・Link Description Note
国会会議録検索システム 第1回国会以降の全ての本会議と委員会の会議録を検索と本文の閲覧が行えます。
参議院 「会議録情報」から30日以内に参議院で行われた会議について閲覧できます。
官報. 号外, 参議院会議録 第5回(1949(昭和49)年刊行)以降を所蔵しています。第1回~第69回まではマイクロフィルム版で所蔵しています。 Printed materials
Microfilm editions are also held
衆議院 「会議録議事情報 会議の一覧」から、最新の会議録の議事部分を閲覧できます。
官報. 号外, 衆議院会議録 第5回(1949(昭和49)年刊行)以降を所蔵しています。第1回~第69回まではマイクロフィルム版で所蔵しています。 Printed materials
Microfilm editions are also held
衆議院委員会議録 第15回(1952(昭和27)年)~第24回(1956(昭和31)年)分を所蔵しています。 Printed materials
参議院委員会会議録 第15回(1952(昭和27)年)~第24回(1956(昭和31)年)分を所蔵しています。 Printed materials
衆議院会議録総索引 第1回(1947年(昭和22)年)~第38回(1961年(昭和36)年)の本会議・委員会の索引です。 Printed materials

Imperial Diet

Name・Link Description Note
帝国議会会議録検索システム 第1回(1890(明治23)年)~第92回帝国議会(1947(昭和22)年)の本会議・委員会の会議録を検索及び冊子画像の閲覧ができます。
貴族院議事速記録 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション。第1回(1890(明治23)年)~第28回(1912(明治45)年)の会議録が閲覧できます。
貴族院議事速記録 第4回~第72回(欠号あり)。マイクロフィルム版(第40回-第92回(欠号あり))も所蔵しています。 Printed materials
Microfilm editions are also held
衆議院議事速記録 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション。第1回(1890(明治23)年)~第28回(1912(明治45)年)の会議録が閲覧できます。
帝國議會貴族院祕密會議事速記録集 全3巻 Printed materials
帝國議會衆議院委員會議録 第1回(1890(明治23))年)~第28回(1970(昭和45)年)が収録されています。 Printed materials
帝國議會衆議院委員會議録 第29回(1912(大正元)年)~第51回(1926(大正15年)分が収録されています。 Printed materials
帝国議会衆議院委員会議事速記録 第9回~第33回(欠号あり)。マイクロフィルム版(第40回-第92回(欠号あり))も所蔵しています。 Printed materials
Microfilm editions are also held
帝国議会衆議院祕密会議事録集 全3巻。第13議会~第92議会までを収録しています。 Printed materials

Foreign Legislatures

United States Congress

Name・Link Description Note
United States Senate The official website of the US Senate.
United States House of Representatives The official website of the US House of Representatives.
U.S. Government Publishing Office The official website of the US Government Publishing Office.
National Archives The official website of the National Archives.
govinfo A website provided by the US government Publishing Office. You can search for US laws and proceedings of the Federal Government. The information website for the Congress and legislation provided by the Library of Congress.
Congressional Record This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1994.
Congressional Record: Debates and Proceedings, 1873-1875 This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1873 to 1875.
Congressional Globe: Debates and Proceedings, 1833-1873 This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1833 to 1873.
Register of Debates: Debates and Proceedings, 1824-1837 This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1824 to 1837.
Annals of Congress: Debates and Proceedings, 1789-1824 This webpage provides proceedings of the US Congress from 1789 to 1824.
Congressional Record Index This webpage provides index for proceedings of the US Congress from 1983.
Congressional Bills This webpage provides the congressional bills from the 103th Congress (1993).
Bills and Resolutions This webpage provides the congressional bills from 18th century to 19th century.
Congressional Hearings This webpage provides the records of the congressional hearings from the 99th Congress (1985).
U.S. Serial Set: Selected Documents and Reports This webpage provides the records included reports of the congressional hearings from the 23rd Congress (1933) to the 64th Congress (1917).
Congressional Committee Prints This webpage provides the research papers of 94th Congress (1975-1976) and from the 102nd Congress (1991).
Congressional Reports This website provides congressional reports from the 104th Congress.
American State Papers, 1789-1838 This webpage provides the early congressional documents from 1789 to 1838.

Parliament of the United Kingdom

Name・Link Description Note
UK Parliament The official website of the Parliament of UK.
House of Lords The official website of the house of Lords.
House of Commons The official website of the House of Commons.
Hansard You can search for proceedings of the British Parliament from 19th century.
Bills & legislation You can search for the British bills.

French Parliament

Name・Link Description Note
Légifrance The general information website of French Government.
Sénat The official website of the French Senate. Kobe University Library has the proceedings as printed materials.
Sénat: Comptes rendus You can search for proceedings of the French Senate from 1914.
Sénat: Commissions You can search for proceedings of the committees of the French Senate. You can search for proceedings of committees of the French Senate.
Sénat: Projets et propositions de loi You can search for bills of the French Senate.
Sénat: Les rapports et documents de travail du Sénat You can search for reports of the French Senate.
Sénat: Questions You can search for questions of the French Senate.
Assemblée nationale The official website of the French National Assembly. Kobe University Library has the proceedings as printed materials.
Assemblée nationale: Comptes rendus You can search for proceedings of the French National Assembly.
Assemblée nationale: Commissions You can search for proceedings of committees of the French National Assembly.
Assemblée nationale: Documents parlementaires You can search for bills and reports of the French National Assembly.

German Legislation

Name・Link Description Note
Bundesrat The official website of the Bundesrat of Germany
Par­la­ments­do­ku­men­te You can search for documents such as proceedings of the Bundesrat meetings.
Deutscher Bundestag The official website of the German Bundestag
Drucksachen und Plenarprotokolle des Bundestages You can search for documents such as proceedings of the German Bundestag meetings.