Please note the following terms and conditions. Some collections need you to make an application to reuse images of Kobe University Digital Archive by application form for secondary use.
You can also contact us if you need high resolution images.

At the below of images, “Rights” in matadata indicates whether or not an application is required.
Even if an application is not required, we would appreciate if you could notify us by digital archive reuse report form.

rights in metadata

*How to credit the source
“□□□□” (Kobe University Library Sumida Maritime Materials Collection)
“□□□□”, Newspaper Clippings Collection(The Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University)
“□□□□” by ○○○○ (Kobe University Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster Materials Collection), etc.

**Kobe University library is not responsible for any disadvantage or damage caused by the use of our contents.

About donation

If you would like to donate your work, please send us to the following address.

Application form for secondary use

It takes about a week to answer to the application. We issue a permission document when permitted.
For the images whose copyright is not held by Kobe University Library, we try to contact the copyright holders. (It might take some time to contact them. And permission document is not issued in that condition.)

    Personal Information

    Material information(required)

    Collection Title (located upper left of the web page)

    Please fill in titles, ID and URL.

    Publish your case in the list of examples(Japanese only)


    Please check the items that apply(required)

    e.g. Use in the TV programme "_ _ _" (programme name, outline of the programme, etc.)

    Term of use(required)

    e.g. broadcasting time, publication dates, etc.

    Details of use(required)

    e.g. Use of images downloaded from the digital archive, use as the background of title, etc.


    Your name, affiliation, telephone number, etc.

    Email address


    Kobe University Library Digital Library Section
    Library for Social Sciences
    Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501
    Tel +81-78-803-7333 Fax +81-78-803-7336
    Contact Form