Author Archives: 電子図書館担当

The Jodo-ji Engi
The Ancient Documents of Hiromine Shrine
Proposals for raising a coledge of industry of all useful trade and husbandry
Sir William Petty’s quantulumcunque concerning money 1682: to the Lord Marquess of Halyfax
The key of wealth; or, a new way , for improving of trade,:lawfull,easie, safe and effectuall
The treasure of traffike : or a discourse of forraigne trade. Wherein is shewed the benefit and commoditie arising to a common-wealth of Kingdome by the skilfull merchant, and by a well ordered commerce and regular traffike. Dedicated to the high court of parlament now assembled
The center of the circle of commerce : or a refutation of treatise, instituled the circle of commerce, of the ballance of trade, lately published by E.M.
The circle of commerce : or the ballance of trade, in defence of free trade : opposed to Malynes little fish and his great whale, and poized against them in the scale. Wherein also, exchanges in generall are considered and therein the whole trade of this Kingdome with forraine countries, is digested into a ballance of trade, for the benefite of the publique; necessary for the present and future times
Free trade; or, the means to make trade florish; wherein, the causes of the decay of trade in this kingdome, are discouered, and the remedies also to remmoue the same, are represented
A discourse of trade, from England unto the East-Indies : Answering to diuerse objections which are usually made against the same