This page provides useful links and publications to search for information of international organizations.
For more details, please also refer to Research Navi.

United Nations (UN)

Please also refer to “United Nations“.

League of Nations (LN)

More Information (League of Nations)

European Union (EU)

Name・Link Description Note
Europa The official website of the EU.
EUR-Lex With this website, you can search for and access official documents of EU (such as EU law).
Newsroom The latest information on the EU are exposed. The articles of “Bulletin of the European Union” are archived in here.

International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Name・Link Description Note
International Court of Justice The ICJ’s official website.
Annual Reports The annual reports have information of ICJ from August to July.
Yearbook The yearbooks record about ICJ’s organization and financial status. The full-text of the latest yearbook can be downloaded from “Publications Printed material
Reports of judgments, advisory opinions and orders These reports record judgements,advisory opinions and orders by year. Printed material
Pleadings, oral arguments, documents Pleadings, oral arguments, documents are recorded by year. Printed material
Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice The list of publications of the PCIJ. Printed material

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Name・Link Description Note
International Labour Organization The official website of the ILO. There are latest information, and links to labor statistics and other databases. in this website.
NORMLEX The general database of the ILO. You can search for treaties, recommendations and so on.
ILOSTAT Labor statistics are exposed.
World of Work magazine An online PR magazine published by the ILO. Printed materials are held
International labour review An e-journal published by the ILO. Printed materials are held

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Name・Link Description Note
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations The official website of the FAO. You can check statistics and outline of countries in this website.
FAO Knowledge Repository BETA The repository managed by the FAO.
FAO David Lubin Memorial Library A discovery service in the field in which FAO is involved.
FAOSTAT With “FAOSTAT”, you can search for various statistics of food,, agriculture, forestry and fishery.
FAO Statistical Yearbooks A full-text of the yearbook published from 2004 can be downloaded.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Name・Link Description Note
International Monetary Fund The official website of the IMF.
IMF eLibrary You can search for various IMF publications such as periodicals, books and working papers.
IMF Annual Report An annual report exposed on the Web.
World Economic Outlook Reports Report exposed on the Web.
IMF Data “IMF Data” provides various kinds of data and statistics.
IMF Balance of payments statistics A database for balance for payments statistics.
IMF Direction of trade statistics A database for trade statistics.
IMF Government Finance Statistics A database for government finance statistics.
IMF International financial statistics A database for international financial statistics. On-campus access only
IMF Economic Review An academic journal published by the IMF. You can browse all issues as e-journal in Kobe University. Printed materials are held
Annual report on exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions(AREAER) An annual report about exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions. Printed material

World Bank Group

Name・Link Description Note
World Bank Group The official website of the World Bank Group. This website provides outline of the organization and statistics by country / field.
Research and Publications With this database, you can search for publications of the World Bank Group. Full-texts of Some of them can be browsed on this website.
Open Knowledge Repository You can search for research results of the World Bank Group.
Annual Report An annual reports published by the IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and the IDA (International Development Association).
WDR Reports The annual report about the world development. Printed materials are held

World Trade Organization (WTO)/
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Name・Link Description Note
World Trade Organization The official website of the WTO. This website provides latest news and event, moreover you can also check various kinds of data from “Documents, data and resources”.
Documents and resources This webpage provides various kinds of documents such as official records and statistics.
WTO Documents Online You can browse documents published by the GATT / WTO online.
Dispute settlement You can search for cases of dispute resolution on this webpage. This webpage is useful to search for reports of panels and appellate bodies.
WTO Annual Report The annual report of the WTO. This report provides outline of the WTO’s activities.

International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Name・Link Description Note
International Maritime Organization The official website of the IMO. You can access the following tools from this website.
Publications This webpage provides various kinds of documents such as official records and statistics.
Media Centre You can browse press releases, reports of assemblies / commmittees, IMO News, etc.
Circulars Some of circulars are exposed.
Conventions A list of treaties and status of ratification of treaties are available.
IMO news The IMO’s PR magazine. You can access digitized back numbers via “Media Centre”. Printed material

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Name・Link Description Note
Bank for International Settlements The official website of the BIS. This page provides latest information, research results, statistics , etc.
Research & publiction Reports and other publications are provided.
Statistics Various statistics are provided.
Annual report Annual reports of the BIS. Printed materials are held

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Name・Link Description Note
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development The official website of the OECD. Such as data of each country are provided.
OECD iLibrary “The OECD iLibrary” is an online service for publications of the OECD. This website provides not only OECD publications but also publications of the IEA (International Energy Agency), NEA (Nuclear Energy Agency), and the ITF (International Transport Forum) as PDF format or HTML format.