About Immediate Open Access Mandate


This page provides an explanation regarding national policy on promoting open access to publicly funded scholarly publications and scientific data in Japan.
Related documents are available here.

The research funds that are subject to the mandate

Funding Agencies Grant Program
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST) JST Strategic Basic Research Program*
Japan Agency for Medical Reseach and Development(AMED) Advanced Research & Development Programs for Medical Innovation
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST) FOREST (Fusion Oriented REsearch for disruptive Science and Technology)

*excluding ALCA-Next and CRONOS

Research outcomes that are subject to the mandate

  • peer-reviewed academic papers published in electronic journals (including the author’s final manuscript)
  • supporting data required to be published to ensure transparency and reproducibility by the journals

Where to publish

  • Institutional repositories such as Kernel
  • on the publisher’s site (the APC must be paid)

When immediate open access is difficult

You will report the reasons for not making it immediately open access.
There are no penalties.However, if the reasons for the difficulty are resolved, you are required to make it open access promptly

The following reasons are anticipated to make the implementation of immediate open access challenging

  • Publisher’s embargo policy
  • The publisher’s policy is either not set or unclear
  • Unable to bear the cost of APCs due to budget constraints

Flow chart for subjects to open access mandates

APC Discounts / Survey

For the latest information on APC support, please check below.