
Based on Kobe University’s mission, the Kobe University Library will continue to fill its role as a provider of academic resources to support world-class education and research activities, becoming a base for the worldwide transmission of advanced research results that further the knowledge of humankind.


  1. Kobe University Library collects, organizes and preserves academic information that is required to support education and research activities at Kobe University. It provides these materials according to the needs of users from both inside and outside the university, passing on the valuable knowledge contained within the materials in its possession to future generations.
  2. Kobe University Library provides a comfortable learning environment to support the independent learning and cultivation of the university’s students.
  3. Kobe University Library collects and archives the outstanding research results produced at Kobe University and transmits them to the world.
  4. Kobe University Library plans to aid its librarians in their acquisition and development of specialized knowledge and skills to enable users to efficiently access and utilize academic information.
  5. Kobe University Library collaborates with organizations both inside and outside the university and with institutions in Japan and overseas. It also contributes to society and the regional community by making materials publicly available.

Accepted on 26th October, 2010